Monday, June 7, 2010

6-Week Challenge

Okay I am doing a challenge to motivate myself. I will finish the challenge right before my birthday and I am hoping to lose 20-30 pounds. So exactly what will I be doing for 6 weeks...
1.) Working out 4 days a week: 2 days a week I will walk/run for 3040 min do squats, lunges, bicep curls, triceps, and crunches. For the 2 other days I will walk/ run for an hour.
2.) Eat no starches: no bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, etc.
3.) Only drink water
4.) eat a fresh fruit and vegetable with every meal
This is what I will be doing for the next 6 weeks so stay tuned for a weight loss update I plan on posting pictures so I can see my success. So I am officially starting this challenge at 181. Yeah I know I gained those 4.7 pounds back again!!! Se you next week...

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